How to Restore MySQL Database Using phpMyAdmin

Most WordPress hosts, including Webhostingchennai, have automated backups that allow you to restore in case of an emergency. However, there might be times where you need to restore and or upload your own MySQL database manually.

This could be because you are migrating hosts or perhaps you want to do some local development. In any case, you can follow this quick and easy tutorial below on how to restore MySQL database using phpMyAdmin.

This article will provide you the step-by-step guidance on how to restore MySQL database through phpMyAdmin.

Steps to Restore MySQL Database Using phpMyAdmin

Step 1: Login to your cPanel

How to Restore SQL file through phpMyAdmin

Step 2: Click “phpMyAdmin” and Click your username to see the expanded list of database.

Restore MySQL Database

Step3 : Choose the database you need to import / restore.


Step 4 : Click “Import” tab, followed by Choose file button to select the sql file.



Step5 : Click “Go” to start restore/importing the database from sql file.

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